Grew up in Cornwall. 
Moved to London. 
Studied graphic design.
Met my wife to be.
Gave me a tortoise.
Moved to Singapore. 
Worked for Saatchi.
Moved back to London.
Worked at Interbrand. Corporate.
Worked at Exposure. Trendy.
Worked at RMG Connect. Friendly.
Worked at Jason bruges Studios. Techie.
Worked at Fallon. When it was good.
Met Juan. Met Richard. Met Micah.
Partnered with Larry.
Moved to WCRS. 
Met Yan. Met Luke.
Got Married.
Had a child
Moved to Mother.
Met Bob.
Had another child.
Met Kiefer Sutherland and Megan Fox.
Started Masters in Fine Art at Goldsmiths.
Moved to Wieden and Kennedy.
Became CD.
Met Tony. Met Kim. Met Iain.
Finished Masters in Fine Art at Goldsmiths.
Left Wieden and Kennedy.
Left Larry.
Worked at Pablo London.
Won Hovis.
Became ECD.
Moved to CP+B
Held Bogusky’s hand. Before he left. Again.
Still at CP+B.
Still have the tortoise...
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